Trina Gonzales- Alesi
DSTA President
79-440 Corporate Centre Dr. Suite #116
La Quinta, CA 92253-7241

DSTA Committees
The key to the success of DSTA lies in the ability to involve its members in the ongoing operations of the Association. This begins with our committee structure.
According to our Bylaws, the authority to establish (and discontinue) committees is held by the Executive Board, subject to approval by the Representative Council. The responsibility for overseeing the committee infrastructure lies with the Vice President.
There are three types of committees: standing (permanent in nature, responsible for ongoing work or responsibilities), joint (where membership includes individuals representing other groups, such as District or CSEA), and select (when a small group is needed to carry out a specific, short-term function).​​
Awards & Recognition
The primary purpose of this select committee is to plan, organize and carry out DSTA’s annual Teacher of the Year (ToY) Banquet. In addition, the committee handles all arrangements for printing the event program, ordering awards, ticket distribution and sales, and publicity.
Justin Landfried (PDHS)​​
This select committee carries out those elections where a seat (officer, Executive Board at-large, State Council, NEA state and/or local delegate) is available that requires a vote by the entire Association membership. All elections are guided by NEA, CTA, and DSTA governance policies.
Chairperson: Maria Ruelas (Hoover ES)
The committee conducts a formal review of proposed changes to Association Bylaws and Standing Rules every other year and submits them for CTA compliance review.
Chairperson: Freddie Muhleman (Jefferson MS)
A fundamental responsibility of every labor union is representing its members before our employer and protecting their rights. While Faculty Representatives at each site are responsible for handling grievances at the informal level, this committee supplies a strong support group comprised of individuals who are trained in responding to situations where our contractual rights may be compromised.
Chairperson: David Parsons (SHHS)
Human Rights
Chaired by the Ethnic Minority Representative to the DSTA Executive Board, this standing committee becomes aware of and studies issues of interest and importance to our members belonging to minority groups within society. Such issues include but are not limited to those pertaining to race or ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation.
Chairperson: Dani Oswood (PDHS)
(Joint) Insurance
The purpose of our own DSTAInsurance Committee is to determine the impact of work done by the Joint Health Insurance Committee for our members. The committee hosts a forum for our members to bring forward their questions and concerns, and identify issues related to our major medical, vision and dental plans.
Chairperson: Cheryl Powers (Carter ES)
This standing committee ensures that the chapter has accurate membership information for all bargaining unit members and, most importantly, creates and promotes programs that engage unit members and educates them about the benefits of belonging to the Association.
Chairperson: Kris Bossi (Jefferson MS)
This standing committee is responsible for annually surveying members to determine their priorities for future collectively-bargained contracts. Our Negotiations Committee also includes our Bargaining Team, a group of highly-trained and knowledgeable Association members who sit “across the table” from District negotiators during the bargaining cycle. The Chairperson for this committee also serves as the Bargaining Team Chairperson.
Chairperson: Wendel Morden (Ed. Services)
This standing committee promotes solidarity among our unit members. Solidarity creates the power base required to bargain good contracts and/or prevail in any stand the Association takes on a given issue. In addition to working as a standing committee, Organizing also works closely with the Bargaining Team and the Membership Committee.
​Chairperson: Vacant
Club Fun
DSTA FUN Committee is designed to create and provide opportunities for DSTA members. If it is good for body, mind, reducing stress, building community, and supporting one another, DSTA FUN committee is planning events for members and their families to enjoy.
Chairperson: Vacant
(Joint) Safety
The joint committee on safety addresses safety issues throughout the District. DSTA representatives to this committee are responsible for identifying unsafe and/or unhealthy conditions from member input and carrying them forward to the Safe Schools Committee where they are converted into policy recommendations to the District administration and Board of Education.
Chair: Lexie Zanovitch
This select committee is responsible for establishing the timeline for the scholarship applications, collecting and reviewing applications submitted for eligibility, and awarding and distributing funds to the many deserving children of our own members.
Chairperson: Maria Ruelas (Hoover ES)
Special Education
​The purpose of this committee is to provide a forum for Special Education and General Education teachers to discuss the challenges, services, policies, best practices and any other related topic pertaining to our students in any of our Special Education programs and those who teach and interact with them.
Chairperson: Maria Sylva (Jefferson MS)​
Political Action
The PAC identifies issues and screens candidates for public office who support and respect teachers in particular and public education in general. During School Board election years, this select committee interviews candidates, asking carefully-developed questions to determine candidate philosophies and likely action if elected, and offers recommendations to the Association membership.
Chairperson: Gabriel Gutierrez (Jefferson MS)